Navigating the Ethics Approval Process at Brunel University of London for Doctoral Research

The Ethical Approval Journey

The ethical approval process at Brunel University was thorough and involved careful scrutiny by the ethics review panel. My research aimed to explore the impact of an AI tool, named AIvaluate, on student anxiety and teacher workload during assessments. The AI tool uses real-time emotional state monitoring to provide insights into student engagement and stress levels, with the broader goal of improving the assessment experience.

Key Stages of the Ethics Application:

  1. Initial Submission: The first submission of the ethics application laid out the research aims, methodology, participant recruitment process, and the measures for data protection. The proposal detailed the involvement of students and teachers in a British international school setting, emphasizing the need for informed consent and safeguarding participants’ well-being.
  2. Feedback and Revisions: Following the initial submission, the ethics panel provided feedback requiring clarifications on several points, including participant consent, data confidentiality, and risk assessments, particularly given that the research would take place outside the UK. Each round of feedback was meticulously addressed, ensuring compliance with Brunel’s research ethics standards.
  3. Final Approval: After three rounds of revisions, the application was finally approved. The approval was contingent on implementing specific measures, such as conducting thorough risk assessments and obtaining parental consent for participants under 18. This rigorous review ensured that the study would be conducted ethically, with all potential risks adequately mitigated.

Key Considerations in the Ethics Application

The approval process highlighted several critical factors when conducting research involving human participants, especially in international and educational contexts:

  • Informed Consent: Ensuring that participants, particularly minors, and their guardians understood the research purpose, procedures, and their rights to withdraw was a significant aspect of the ethical approval.
  • Data Protection and Confidentiality: The study involved sensitive data, including emotional state monitoring. The ethics committee required robust data handling protocols to protect participant privacy and comply with data protection regulations.
  • Risk Assessment: Conducting research in an overseas location required additional scrutiny to ensure compliance with local laws and educational regulations. A detailed risk assessment was necessary to address any potential health, safety, and ethical risks associated with the study.
  • Safeguarding Vulnerable Participants: Working with students who could be deemed vulnerable due to their age and educational setting necessitated clear safeguarding measures. The approval process underscored the importance of adhering to strict ethical standards to protect these participants.

Reflections on the Ethical Review Process

Securing ethical approval was an iterative process that required openness to feedback and a commitment to upholding high ethical standards. The thoroughness of Brunel University’s ethics committee ensured that all aspects of the research were carefully considered, from participant safety to data security. This process was invaluable, reinforcing the importance of ethical diligence in research.

For anyone embarking on similar research endeavors, my experience highlights the need for thorough preparation, clear communication with ethics panels, and a willingness to make necessary adjustments to meet ethical standards. The successful approval of my project marks an important milestone, paving the way to explore the potential of AI in educational assessments while prioritizing the safety and well-being of all participants involved.


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